OUR God Does Not Make Mistakes
According to the Biblical teachings, God did his work in six days to create the heavens and earth. Yet there was no “time” to tell us how long was one day of God’s labor. God toiled for six days.
If we “assume” that after the Sun and Moon were created, that a day equaled 24 hours, then God worked one hundred forty-four to create a place for humankind.
Then God created man who possessed 23 pairs of chromosomes, and from his rib, he created woman who also possessed 23 paired chromosomes.
Therefore, the number 46 becomes extremely important to carry
God’s formula for the creation of humankind.
My fellow Christians and Americans, I want to suggest in this submission that our God DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES.
The Deed:
Six days x 24 hours labor equals one hundred forty-four hours.
One hundred forty-four hours divided by 46 chromosomes equals = Pi (π). GOD’S CREATION - Mankind will live for evermore.
There is no question, that humankind was created in God’s image, and that woman was created after all other good things existed, to help man, and to please God.
What is know in the modern world is that the number 23 or 46 is important. Equal seeds of Man and Woman.
If you are a human being your life began from the reproductive cell (seed) of a male known as a “sperm”
Animals are produced from a tail bearing flagellum known in science as a motile (seed) also known as a “spermatozoa”.
Flowering plants contain non-motile sperm (seed) inside “pollen”.
Our God also created animals, plants and fruits, which man and woman could eat. As well as those that should not be eaten.
To ensure the immortality of food, God endowed certain of his creations with the ability for self-fertilization –
The Hermaphrodite.
I truly believe that our GOD makes no mistakes. We must love all of God’s creations for He has put them here so that man can enjoy immortality, in order that we have proof of his greatness, and that we may worship Him.
America The Beautiful, America One Nation Under God.
Unity, Honesty, Integrity with Liberty and Justice for ALL. VOTE!
VOTE for Jimmy Harvey for President 2024
According to the Biblical teachings, God did his work in six days to create the heavens and earth. Yet there was no “time” to tell us how long was one day of God’s labor. God toiled for six days.
If we “assume” that after the Sun and Moon were created, that a day equaled 24 hours, then God worked one hundred forty-four to create a place for humankind.
Then God created man who possessed 23 pairs of chromosomes, and from his rib, he created woman who also possessed 23 paired chromosomes.
Therefore, the number 46 becomes extremely important to carry
God’s formula for the creation of humankind.
My fellow Christians and Americans, I want to suggest in this submission that our God DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES.
The Deed:
Six days x 24 hours labor equals one hundred forty-four hours.
One hundred forty-four hours divided by 46 chromosomes equals = Pi (π). GOD’S CREATION - Mankind will live for evermore.
There is no question, that humankind was created in God’s image, and that woman was created after all other good things existed, to help man, and to please God.
What is know in the modern world is that the number 23 or 46 is important. Equal seeds of Man and Woman.
If you are a human being your life began from the reproductive cell (seed) of a male known as a “sperm”
Animals are produced from a tail bearing flagellum known in science as a motile (seed) also known as a “spermatozoa”.
Flowering plants contain non-motile sperm (seed) inside “pollen”.
Our God also created animals, plants and fruits, which man and woman could eat. As well as those that should not be eaten.
To ensure the immortality of food, God endowed certain of his creations with the ability for self-fertilization –
The Hermaphrodite.
I truly believe that our GOD makes no mistakes. We must love all of God’s creations for He has put them here so that man can enjoy immortality, in order that we have proof of his greatness, and that we may worship Him.
America The Beautiful, America One Nation Under God.
Unity, Honesty, Integrity with Liberty and Justice for ALL. VOTE!
VOTE for Jimmy Harvey for President 2024